Friday, May 21, 2010

Twenty Something Girl - Beyonce is Fun & Fearless


Beyonce has been dubbed Fun, Fearless Female of the year in 2006 by Cosmopolitan. She’s a multiple Grammy award winner, winning five Grammys in one year. She’s most well known for singing, but she is truthfully the ultimate Renaissance woman - she is a song writer, a dancer, and a fashion designer with her own label and has just released a new line of fragrance!  A Twenty Something Girl of note.

For those of you who have not seen her latest video: Why Don't You Love Me, check it out here.  Talk about fearless...


  1. I love Beyonce she always looks flawless (except when she goes blond)...

    Have a great weekend!! ;)

  2. Btw great blog! I'm a follower!

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  3. Hey there Island Girl :-) Thank you...glad u like my blog...btw I am following you too :-)
